Wall Mounted Family Coats of Arms

August 18, 2021

Wall Mounted Family Coats of Arms

Wall Mounted Family Coats of Arms.

Owing to the public’s enthusiasm regarding The Swellendam Heritage Association’s project “Swellendam Families” now in the process of lining the lower part of the town’s main road, the Swellendam Heritage Association are pleased to announce an extension to the project. The name given to this extension is “The Swellendam Families Private Collection”.

As the name try’s to suggests, the project enables families to erect their family’s crest at their home.

The crests are available in various sizes, are in colour and mounted on a rust resistant Chromodek® steel plate panel which can be affixed to a suitable place on a wall at the family’s home.

These family crest panels make an excellent long-lasting gift as well.

Prices are as follows:

  • 200mm X 300mm = R300* incl
  • 300mm X 400mm = R400* incl
  • 400mm X 600mm = R500* incl

Where a family crest is available in the SHA’s library.

There is an additional charge of R400 where a crest needs to be created.

Contact / Kontak Hennie Steyn 082 956 9454  flinkskink@gmail.com Philip Bromley 073 248 3999 p.bromley05@gmail.com   Bank besonderhede / details Nedbank (Swellendam) Branch / Tak 19876500 Swellendam Heritage Association / Erfenisvereniging Rekening Nr / Account Nbr 1118273125 Please enter your surname as reference. Meld asseblief u van as verwysing.  

Muur gemonteerde  Familiewapens.

As gevolg van die publiek se entoesiasme in verband met Die Swellendam Erfenisvereniging se projek “Swellendam Families” wat tans besig is om die onderkant van die dorp se hoofstraat te versier, is die Die Swellendam Erfenisvereniging bly om aan te kondig ‘n uitbreiding van die projek. Die uitbreiding word benoem “Die Swellendam Families Privaat Versameling”

Soos die naam probeer aandui, laat die projek toe dat families hulle familewapen by die huis kan oprig.

Hierdie familiewapen bordjies maak ook sommer ‘n oulike duursame geskenk.

Pryse is soos volg:

  • 200mm X 300mm = R300* insl
  • 300mm X 400mm = R400* insl
  • 400mm X 600mm = R500* insl

Waar ‘n familiewapen beskikbaar is in die Erfenisvereniging se versameling.

Daar is ‘n additionele koste van R400 as ‘n familiewapen nuut geskep moet word.

More projects

August 15, 2021

Graves of DR Church

On 19th March 2018 the church council of the DR Church. Swellendam decided to ask the Swellendam Heritage Association to make a survey of the remaining graves on the church property because, at the time, there was no complete catalogue of the details of the graves. That made it difficult for researchers and family members to get information they required. It will also make history more accessible to visitors and will make it easier to find a specific grave. This survey subject to specific conditions contains the following:

  1. The drawing up of a catalogue with the location of each grave, as well as the wording of each tombstone. A short summary of the background of each grave is added
  2. The tombstones are cleaned to remove algae which makes it difficult to read the wording on the tombstones.
  3. When required the gravel on the grass will be supplemented or re-done
  4. Gravestones where lettering has faded are to be repainted.
  5. The church council wants the character of the graves to reflect the fact that the graveyard is already more than 200 years old.

The execution of these decisions was a special journey of discovery into the history of Swellendam, with this publication the church council, together with the Heritage association, hope to contribute to the writing of the history of Swellendam and hope that it will also be a valuable source of information to researchers and visitors to Swellendam.

The Church council hereby thanks the Swellendam Heritage committee for their great assistance and knowledgeable advice in the successful documenting and repair of the graveyard.

Hennie Steyn

SHA Committee

June 2018

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August 16, 2021

Request for donations

Die Swellendam Erfenisvereniging het onlangs 60 nuwe bykomende familiewapens langs hoofstraat aangebring. Dit is moontlik gemaak met finansiering deur mense wat spesifieke families verteenwoordig of erkenning aan ‘n spesifieke familie wou gee.

Hierdie versoek gaan aan mense wat:

  1. Aan die bogenoemde families behoort en nie die geleentheid gehad het om daartoe by
    te dra nie.
  2. Mense wat graag aan die projek wil deelneem en hul familiewapen borg omdat dit nie
    verteenwoordig word nie.
  3. Mense wat graag ń ander familie se familiewapen wil borg. Of miskien ‘n familiewapen
    van een van die ou vaders van die dorp wat nie meer hier verteenwoordig word nie. Bv Ds Von Manger
  4. Mense wat voel dis te duur, maar tog ń klein bydrae tot die projek te maak.

Alle families in Swellendam, toe en nou, is welkom om deel te neem. Ons het ook bydraes vir toekomstige instandhouding nodig. Geen bydrae is te klein nie en alle bydraes word erken. Alle donateurs se name word in ons argief aangeteken en bewaar.
Ons is baie bly oor al die positiewe kommentaar en hoop dit sal almal inspireer om hiertoe soos bo uiteengesit is, by te dra.
Die Swellendam Erfenisvereniging

Bank Besonderhede vir skenkings:
Nedbank Swellendam
Branch / Tak 19876500
Swellendam Heritage Association / Swellendam Erfenisvereniging
Rekening Nr / Account Nbr 1118273125
Please enter your surname as reference.
Meld asseblief u van as verwysing.

The Swellendam Heritage Association recently erected 60 new additional family crests along Main Street. This was made possible with funding from people who represented specific families or wanted to give recognition to a particular family of their choosing.
This appeal is addressed to people who:

  1. Belong to the above-mentioned families and did not have an opportunity to contribute to
    the cost of their family’s crest at the time.
  2. Families who would like to participate in the project and sponsor their family crest as it is
    still not represented
  3. Persons who want to sponsor a family crest for a family who financially find it difficult to
    participate or perhaps the crest of one of the past families of Swellendam no longer
    represented here. For example Ds Von Manger etc.
  4. Persons who feel the cost is too high but would still like to make a small contribution to
    the project

All families of Swellendam, past and present, are encouraged to participate. We need contributions for future maintenance of the crests. No contribution is too small and all contributions will be acknowledged. All contributors’ names will be recorded and preserved in our archive.
We are encouraged by the positive comments we have received about this project and hope this will inspire everyone to make a contribution along the lines suggested above.

The Swellendam Heritage Association.

Banking details for donations are above.

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June 4, 2023

Restoration of the Swellendam dipgat

The committee of SHA took on the task of restoring the old "dipgat" on the corner where the Ashton Road meets the R60.

Under the guidance of Philip Bromley & Hennie Steyn, work is well under way.

There was a lot of preparation but the whitewash has now been applied and the results are looking really good - take a look as you Enter & Exit the town.

A new sign will be placed by the dipgat which will include a list of sponsors who have provided skills & materials .

The muicipality has been asked to make a car park so passing visitors can stop and look at this unusual artifact.

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August 17, 2021

Swellendam Family Flags/ Vlae

Contact / Kontak:  

Bank besonderhede / details:

Nedbank (Swellendam) Branch / Tak 19876500 Swellendam Heritage Association / Swellendam Erfenisvereniging Rekening Nr / Account Nbr 1118273125

Please enter your surname as reference. Meld asseblief u van as verwysing.  

Familiewapenvlae Gedruk op *Ultrasheen:

  • 90 x 60cm (Storm Grootte) = R695 elk
  • 135 x 90cm (Algemene Grootte) = R895 elk
  • 180 x 120cm (Standaard Groote) = R950 elk
  • 270 x 180cm (Seremoniële Grootte) = R1850 elk

Begenoemde pryse insluitende kunswerk.

Nabootsing van ‘n Familewapen op ‘n vlag:

Geldigheid: 7 dae vanaf kwotasie.

Aflewerings tydperk: 7 tot 10 werksdae vir ontwerp / vervaardiging vanaf datum van betaling.

Alle volgens maat vlae word digitaal gedruk en vervaardig met 100% Utrasheen om maksimum ink indringing te bewerkstellig (90% – beeld op die agterkant van die vlag)

Vlae is met dubbele stikwerk afgewerk met kopstuk, tou en dwarsstuk gereed om te hys tensy anders gespesifiseerd.

*Ultrasheen (Volgens maat vlae): Is ‘n selfsluitend 3 gare skering en inslag vlagstof vervaardig van polyester garing met ‘n effense glans. Dit is lig en duursaam.  As gevolg van die stof se samestelling en spoed van produksie, is dit baie ekonomies om te produseer wat die koste aansienlik afbring van volgens maat vlae. Dit word gebruik vir die vervaardiging van volgens maat en korporatiewe vlae.

Family Coat of Arms Flags: Printed on *Ultrasheen

  • 90 x 60cm (Storm Size) = R695 each
  • 135 x 90cm (Universal Size) = R895 each
  • 180 x 120cm (Standard Size) = R950 each
  • 270 x 180cm (Ceremonial Size) = R1850 each

Above pricing includes Artwork

Simulation of a Coat of Arms on a flag:

Validity: This quote is valid for 7 days.

Lead time:  7 to 10 working days to design/manufacture from date of payment.    

All custom flags are digitally printed and manufactured using 100% Ultrasheen for maximum ink penetration (90% – reverse image on the other side of the flag).

All our flags are double stitched with Header, Rope and Toggle ready for hoisting unless otherwise specified.

*Ultrasheen (Custom Flags): Is a self-locking, 3-yarn warp-knit, flag material made from 100% polyester filament yarn with a slight sheen finish. It is lightweight and durable. Due to its construction and speed of production, it is most economical to produce and brings down the cost of custom flags considerably. Used to produce custom and corporate flags.

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