Hereinafter referred to as the SHAAIMS AND OBJECTIVES.  1.         Within theterms of Section 30 (1) of Act  No 58 of1962 exclusively to promote in a non-profit manner, and with an altruistic andphilanthropic intent, the conservation, public enjoyment and understanding ofall cultural and natural heritage. 2.         To improvethe quality of life by encouraging the public to preserve all cultural andnatural heritage.3.         To stimulatepride and personal interest in conservation by encouraging group projects andvoluntary efforts to conserve and improve the environment.4.         Toco-operate with all relevant authorities and organisations in pursuit of theaims and objectives of the SHA5.         Toconcentrate the activities of the SHA, measured in cost or time or in any othermanner, in their totality to the Republic of South Africa and all its peoples.           6.         The SHAshall not pay to its office-bearers or members any remuneration other than inrespect of audited expenses outlaid by any such person in the course ofactivities authorized by, and performed for the benefit of, the SHA.  Nor in lieu of remuneration can any of theSHA’s property be distributed to such persons, and no office-bearer or membershall have any right to the property or other assets of the Association solelyby virtue of being an office-bearer or member thereof. Further, and save inrespect of reasonable remuneration paid by the SHA for services rendered beyondthose normally expected from its office-bearers or members, the SHA shall notpromote the economic self-interest of any of its members or persons in afiduciary relationship with the SHA.7.         No funds ofthe SHA are to be distributed to any person otherwise than solely for thepurpose of carrying out the aims and objectives of the SHA.8.         SHA providesadvice to owners of heritage sites who require permits to repair, restore ormaintain such a site on the procedures and documents required for submission toHeritage Western Cape who is the official body responsible for the issuing ofsuch permits.9.         SHA awardsMerit Plaques glazed on to ceramic tiles & certificates to owners who haveexcelled in the quality of restoration to a heritage site thus preserving sucha site for posterity.   10.       SHA isinvolved in motivating and bringing together interested parties to restoreheritage sites which have become or are in the process of becoming into a stateof disrepair.  PAGE 1 OF 211.       SHA isinvolved in the updating and creation of literature pertaining to heritagebuildings and sites or the history in our immediate and surrounding areas, toprovide interested parties and tourists with user friendly material to maketheir visit to Swellendam and surrounds more enjoyable. 12.       MODUSOPERANDI 12.1     Membership ofthe SHA is obtained by application and payment of a modest annual membershipfee. Membership is open to all sections of the public interested in the purposeof the association. Modest membership fees are set in the hope of attractingpeople from all walks of life.12.2   The fee paid bythe membership enables the society to budget for administrative expenses. Suchas web site fees postage etc.12.3   At the AnnualGeneral Meeting of the SHA a chairman and committee are elected on an entirelyvoluntary basis and are responsible for the operation of the SHA for thefollowing financial year. Any member may apply to serve on the committee. Nomember or committee member receives remuneration.12.4     Uponsuggestion of a suitable heritage related topic, excursion or project(hereinafter called an event), by the committee or any SHA member to thecommittee, the committee will arrange such an event. Such events are usuallyarranged once per month.12.5     Generally atsuch an event a knowledgeable speaker or tour leader is asked to address themembers. After the event snacks and refreshments are served. with the speakeror tour leader being presented with a small token gift (such as a bottle ofwine). When required the SHA will contribute toward the speaker / tour leader’scosts associated with coming to address members at the event. This only occurswhen the speaker / tour leader is from out of town.12.6     To cover thecosts associated with the point 12.5 above and the hiring of a venue, themembers attending are charged a small fee for the event. The fee depends on thenature of the event.12.7     Any surplusfrom event or membership fees is not only used in administrative costs as inpoints 9 to 11 above but also toward the purchase of relevant equipment for theSHA. Examples being a digital projector and a public address system forlectures, or can be used for the restoration / preservation of a heritageproject.             Updated January 2017; March 2018; September 2023; September2024  

  1. Within the terms of Section 30 (1) of Act No 58 of 1962 exclusively to promote in a non-profit manner, and with an altruistic and philanthropic intent, the conservation, public enjoyment and understanding of all cultural and natural heritage.
  2. To improve the quality of life by encouraging the public to preserve all cultural and natural heritage.
  3. To stimulate pride and personal interest in conservation by encouraging group projects and voluntary efforts to conserve and improve the environment.
  4. To co-operate with all relevant authorities and organisations in pursuit of the aims and objectives of the SHA
  5. To concentrate the activities of the SHA, measured in cost or time or in any other manner, in their totality to the Republic of South Africa and all its peoples.
  6. The SHA shall not pay to its office-bearers or members any remuneration other than in respect of audited expenses outlaid by any such person in the course of activities authorized by, and performed for the benefit of, the SHA. Nor in lieu of remuneration can any of the SHA’s property be distributed to such persons, and no office-bearer or member shall have any right to the property or other assets of the Association solely by virtue of being an office-bearer or member thereof. Further, and save in respect of reasonable remuneration paid by the SHA for services rendered beyond those normally expected from its office-bearers or members, the SHA shall not promote the economic self-interest of any of its members or persons in a fiduciary relationship with the SHA.
  7. No funds of the SHA are to be distributed to any person otherwise than solely for the purpose of carrying out the aims and objectives of the SHA.
  8. SHA provides advice to owners of heritage sites who require permits to repair, restore or maintain such a site on the procedures and documents required for submission to Heritage Western Cape who is the official body responsible for the issuing of such permits.
  9. SHA awards Merit Plaques glazed on to ceramic tiles & certificates to owners who have excelled in the quality of restoration to a heritage site thus preserving such a site for posterity.
  10. SHA is involved in motivating and bringing together interested parties to restore heritage sites which have become or are in the process of becoming into a state of disrepair.
  11. SHA is involved in the updating of literature pertaining to heritage buildings and sites in our immediate area so as to provide interested parties and tourists with user friendly material to make their visit to Swellendam and surrounds more enjoyable.
    12.1 Membership of the SHA is obtained by application and payment of a modest annual membership fee. Membership is open to all sections of the public interested in the purpose of the association. Modest membership fees are set in the hope of attracting people from all walks of life.
    12.2 The fee paid by the membership enables the society to budget for administrative expenses. Such as web site fees postage etc.
    12.3 At the Annual General Meeting of the SHA a chairman and committee are elected on an entirely voluntary basis and are responsible for the operation of the SHA for the following financial year. Any member may apply to serve on the committee. No member or committee member receives remuneration.
    12.4 Upon suggestion of a suitable heritage related topic, excursion or project (hereinafter called an event), by the committee or any SHA member to the committee, the committee will arrange such an event. Such events are usually arranged once per month.
    12.5 Generally at such an event a knowledgeable speaker or tour leader is asked to address the members. After the event snacks and refreshments are served. with the speaker or tour leader being presented with a small token gift (such as a bottle of wine). Occasionally the SHA will contribute toward the speaker / tour leader’s costs associated with coming to address members at the event. This only occurs when the speaker / tour leader is from out of town.
    12.6 To cover the costs associated with the point 12.5 above and the hiring of a venue, the members attending are charged a small fee for the event. The fee depends on the nature of the event.
    12.7 Any surplus from event or membership fees is not only used in administrative costs as in points 9 to 11 above but also toward the purchase of relevant equipment for the SHA. Examples being a digital projector and a public address system for lectures.


Updated January 2017; March 2018